Thursday, October 26, 2017

To be a Lutheran (Protestant) is to be Catholic .....

Let us be clear be a Protestant (in the original, classical, confessional sense, particularly as a Lutheran) is to be a catholic or an evangelical catholic, nothing more, nothing less --- the Reformation was never ever the creation or invention of a new faith but the very restoration of the apostolic faith that is embodied in the creeds (that represents the corporate response of the Church to the proclamation of the Scriptures and hence sola Scriptura), liturgy (that represents the corporate response of the Church to the saving work of the Triune God in the living present/ presence! - in the here and now) - and ancient traditions of the Church (such as the use and practice of sign of the Cross which constitute a 'sacramental', the prominent display of the Crucifix, kneeling at the reception of the true, real and personal Body and Blood of Our Saviour, the wearing of vestments in the form of the chasuble and stole by the priest, etc.) .....


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